The Kraken packs about 15% smaller than a 9-cell non-crossbraced canopy like Safire 3 or Crossfire 3.
This means you can pack at least 1 standard size up in the same container.
The Crossfire 3 and Safire 3 may typically be found in your container manufacturer's sizing charts, which you may use as a reference for what size Kraken will fit in your container. You can also check out the pack volumes we have compiled for our canopies on each individual canopy product page. Head to here for links to each page.
The Kraken's fit to your container will depend on many other things such as how tight your previous canopy was in the container, packing skills, how old each canopy is, etc., so please take the information above as a general rule of thumb!
S3/C3 Kraken
169 189
149 169
139 149
129 139
119 129
109 119
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